Bex Haywood

My 3 main considerations as a Personal Trainer;

  1. Enjoyment. Is it fun? Do you actually like what you are doing? Do you look forward to it in your routine?
  2. Injury prevention/rehabilitation/management. You shouldn't have to accept pain, do all that you can to minimise it and protect yourself from it in future.
  3. Achieving goals! Of any size, length or difficulty, anything can be done if you want it bad enough!

My personal background has always been driven by sport as that is what keeps me motivated. First with swimming, followed by bodybuilding and finally finding the sport that suits me, Powerlifting. Powerlifting has suited me best as I can directly track my strength and keep myself accountable regardless of competition. The buzz that you get from smashing goals is too good not to encourage.

I love to see others get to achieve the goals they set out and am always happy to support in any way I can, that is why I do what I do!